New Plant Pathology Website

The UK Department of Plant Pathology has launched its new website.  The link to the new homepage is

ppa-website-fig-1As a result of this change, all webpages, along with many publications (particularly PPFSs fact sheets and some Midwest fruit publications), now have new links. The good news is that the following redirects have been set up to help users locate information:

  1. Clicking on any link that previously led to the old site webpages will automatically re-direct users to the new home page.
  2. Clicking on an old link to any in-house Extension fact sheet (PPFSs) will automatically re-direct users to the new Extension Publications page.

While all these changes in links will present an inconvenience for many, it is hoped that users will find the new site simpler to use and navigate.  As with other Drupal-based websites, the new site should be easier to view on various mobile devices, as well.





Posted in Announcements