Commercial Spray Schedules for Production of Cucumbers (PPFS-VG-32 & PPFS-VG-33)

In Kentucky, cucumbers are common cucurbit crops produced in open fields and high tunnels. A number of plant pathogens can cause disease, resulting in crop damage and yield loss. Applications of fungicides and bactericides are often necessary to limit plant diseases. Fungicides and bactericides provide the greatest efficacy when applied preventively (prior to disease onset).

These two newly developed fact sheets provide information on the timing of the most common cucumber diseases, recommended disease management practices, and a sample spray schedules.

  • Commercial Spray Schedule for Field Production of Cucumbers (PPFS-VG-32)
  • Commercial Spray Schedule for High Tunnel Production of Cucumbers (PPFS-VG-33)

For additional publications on vegetable diseases, visit the UK Plant Pathology Extension Publications webpage.

By Cheryl Kaiser, Plant Pathology Extension Support, and Nicole Gauthier, Plant Pathology Extension Specialist

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